We follow an “outside-in” approach to develop sales effectiveness improvements and compensation designs that work for each client’s individual context.

Key Questions:
- “What does the company need to do in the marketplace to succeed?”
- “What do we need the sales force to do?”
- “How will sales compensation be best aligned?”
- “How will we get there from where we are now?”
VSCEC also strives to generate cutting-edge thinking for the sales effectiveness and compensation world. Illustrative topics explored:
- 2023 sales comp planning will have to consider the impact of BOTH inflation and a potential recession. Click here to learn more.
- What works in a “Theory -Y” style sales organization? Click here to learn more.
- What lessons are there for larger corporations from start-up incentive designs? Click here to learn more.
- Can ethical behavior in a sales team be supported by incentive designs? Click here to learn more.
- How should rewards evolve to match the non-traditional sales roles companies use today? Click here to learn more.
- Why doesn’t cross-selling work as well as everything thinks it should? Click here to learn more.